Sunday, December 7, 2008

Goin' To Alcapulco

This week I:

+ Gigisat: This is the act of babysitting my 90 year old grandmother, who, after the trauma of having her license taken away for leaving the scene of an accident and suffering a fall at her mailbox after which she laid at her curb for an hour before a landscaper carried her inside, is loosing her marbles. Her accent is getting stronger, and she critiques the way I make oatmeal (she is so old and Scottish that she likes only salt in it). She has started ordering dessert at restaurants instead of dinner with confident i'm-fucking-ninety-years-old-I-do-what-I-want defiance.

+ Puked: In the past 14 days, I have spent 4 of them vomiting. That's nearly 30% of the past two weeks. The deathly sushi/vodka combo and a stomach virus are to blame.

+ Tied in a Stretching Competition: Crouches, lunges, and high kicks were included.

+Watched Mr. Foe:
Firstly, don't let the Billy-Bragg like music fool you, (It's actually the Scottish band Orange Juice, who are a pretty great discovery on their own), the movie is much darker than the cartoon intro lead on. The protagonist Hallum is charming in a Humbert Humbert kind of way. That is that he is ineffably creepy, but the audience roots for him even as he pursues a woman romantically because she resembles his dead mother. Pretty well shot film, and I love all things Glasgow.

+Sent out roughly 30 resumes: Received zero replies.

+Went to Target for socks and ONLY bought socks: Shocking.

+Played Hazel in a short film adaptation of Harrison Bergeron: Acting again felt really odd, even if it was small scale. I think I did well.

+ Made Granola:
I served it with baked apples for Casey for dessert. It features Sultanas, cranberries, and lots of sesame seeds. There it is--> I suspect that some of you will be getting batches of this for Christmas. It's pretty amazing.

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